
Weather. As a Passion.

You can’t change the weather, but you can plan for it. Our meteorologists have taken their passion for weather and built leading-edge tools to help you make better weather-dependent decisions. From knowing road conditions to knowing when to harvest, let our passion for weather benefit your business. Explore some of our solutions – we’d love to hear how we can help you today!

We can’t help it. There’s nothing we’d rather be doing than studying, predicting, and reporting on weather. Why is that important to you? Because when meteorologists – real people like us – who are trained in the science, provide weather reporting based on knowledge and experience, not simply computer-generated modeling data, the results are more accurate. Really. Imagine what that can do for business, transportation, and leisure.

Don't Let the Weather Control You

Reduce Costs

Plan for upcoming storms to reduce weather-related costs

Improve Safety

Know when severe weather is expected so your employees can stay safe

Be Prepared

Always be aware of upcoming weather trends to optimize your business for the elements

Not sure where to start? Have questions?

Read About Weatherlogics

Scott D. Kehler, M.Sc.

Understanding Hail Risk in Canada

Hailstorms present a significant and often underestimated risk to properties across Canada, with the potential to cause extensive damage to residential, commercial, and agricultural assets.

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